Dropshipping training: tips for a 100% free training!
You want to open an online store without stock and therefore do dropshipping? Very well, dropshipping is an excellent idea to create your website without having to invest several thousand euros.
However, like any new business, it may be interesting to train yourself to learn all the tricks, the keys, to give you every chance to succeed in your business. The best solution is to find a dropshipping training.
I propose today to give you the way to find the dropshipping training adapted to your needs and allow you to create a profitable dropshipping site.
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Which free dropshipping course to choose?
Is there such a thing as a free dropshipping course?
Does Pôle emploi offer dropshipping training?
Can I finance a dropshipping training with the CPF?
Which free dropshipping course to choose?
Before embarking on an expensive course, it is first interesting to know if there is a course that could be free and allow you to have all the information you are looking for without having to go through payment.
Is there such a thing as a free dropshipping course?
There is no such thing as a free dropshipping course.
However, the dropshipping website creation solution Dropizi has developed 10 training modules that it makes available to its users to help them become familiar with the e-commerce sector.
Although it's not really a dropshipping training, these 10 modules give you all the keys to create a profitable dropshipping business. I found that they cover all the important topics related to this way of marketing products: 60 videos made by 5 experts.
Here are the different modules you will have access to:
What to sell in dropshipping?
Creating a dropshipping store with their solution
The legal status and other procedures to follow to be a real entrepreneur
How to seduce your customers to buy on your site
How to be positioned in the 1st results of Google
How to create advertising campaigns on Google
How to create your ads on Facebook
How to use e-mailing to generate sales and loyalty
How to read your statistics
You will learn for example the advantages and key points of a dropshipping site. You will also see how to generate your first sales and build customer loyalty. You will also see that it is not necessarily profitable to do dropshipping on Amazon.
Why does Dropizi offer these training modules for free?
Simply because Dropizi is a subscription-based solution. This means that Dropizi allows you to create a dropshipping site in just a few clicks in exchange for a monthly subscription fee.
Their goal is to keep you subscribed for as long as possible. And the best way to keep you subscribed to them (once you have subscribed to the paid version), is that your store works!
However, in order for your store to earn money, the best solution is to train you, to make you professional. Dropizi offers training to ensure that you keep your customers. Not bad!
How to get these 10 modules for free?
Dropizi reserves its training modules only for its users.
However, there is a way to get them for free: sign up and get 14 days free! Signing up is free and you don't have to do anything: for 14 days, you'll have access to the modules without having to enter any banking information.
So plan a weekend during which you will do nothing else but look at the modules and that's it! You will have benefited from a free dropshipping training! Isn't life great?
Does Pôle emploi offer dropshipping training?
At the moment, Pole-Emploi does not offer to finance a dropshipping training. This sector is still quite unknown to the general public.
Thus, no existing training is currently verified and referenced by the Pole-Emploi for job seekers who are looking for a training on the subject.
training-dropshipping-free-cpfIs it possible to finance a dropshipping training with a CPF, i.e. your professional training account? At the moment, no training on the subject is eligible for the CPF. It is therefore not possible.
Start dropshipping in 5 key steps ?
Like many people with an entrepreneurial streak, you've heard about dropshipping and its various benefits. You're seriously considering getting started, but you have the good idea to learn about the different key steps that will allow you to open a profitable dropshipping online store.
There are many articles and videos on the net that promise you how to make money in just a few minutes and without having to invest much money or time. I will start this article by breaking this sweet dream: to succeed in dropshipping, you will have to be smart, persistent, passionate and invest time and money as well.
To help you understand the issues related to dropshipping, I decided to publish this article by giving you the 5 key steps to start dropshipping in good conditions.
Of course, these 5 steps should give you a direction to follow. However, you will have to go beyond these different steps to give you the means to sell on the internet and thus generate a regular income (or even a salary if your business takes off).
If you want to start dropshipping, here are some articles that might interest you:
Comment marche le dropshipping ?
Comment faire du dropshipping avec Prestashop ?
Dropshipping vs droprising, quelles différences ?
Que penser du fournisseur dropshipping Bigbuy ?
Prestashop vs Shopify: que choisir pour faire du dropshipping ?